Here's a slick video player PSD freebie. If you're like, "dang, that video player looks exactly like the Wistia video player" you'd be correct. I made this PSD when I recently had the need for a layered Wistia video player Photoshop template. I searched the web only to not find what I needed. So I made this...
PSD Features:
- Shape Layer Icons (the PSD is infinitely scalable without losing quality)
- Both 2X resolution and 1X resolution PSD’s included.
- Fully layered and editable/customizable PSD
- Neatly organized PSD File
NOTE: Just like the official Wistia video player, this PSD uses Helvetica Nueu. I can't include the fonts per licensing restrictions, so if you don't have the same Helvetica Neue family installed on your machine, Photoshop will prompt you to assign an alternate font when you launch the file.
This PSD is not officially approved by Wistia. I have created it as an unofficial template to help my fellow designers save some time.